By Marilú Gasparo

For our “Team Introduction” series, we meet Bea today. Bea is 24, comes from Mexico, and is currently studying education. She has been part of the volunteer team at ClubIn for about a year.

Hi Bea, nice to see you! I’m looking forward to our interview. Shall we start right away?

Hey Marilú, sure.

How did you discover ClubIn? Do you remember the first time you were at the club?

Through a friend, namely Deyna, but that was a long time ago.

I remember that I used to go to the club with many of my fellow students, and it was fun meeting there. I always felt comfortable and there were always interesting people there.

I also remember a Japanese evening from that time. It was very interesting for me to get an insight into that culture.

Additionally, I met one of my best friends at ClubIn.

How did you later decide to become a volunteer at ClubIn?

Deyna, who had been a member of the ClubIn team for a long time, had considered me suitable for this role for some time. I was fascinated by the idea but was unsure about the time commitment. I had a lot to do and no capacity for volunteer work back then.

About a year ago, I wanted to become a student assistant in the club office. Although I wasn’t selected for the office position, Ulrike, the head of ClubIn, suggested that I could join the volunteer team instead.

I got to know the other team members better and they were all very friendly. I felt comfortable with everyone very quickly.

What a coincidence. Sometimes I feel there’s a right time for everything. What is your favorite activity at ClubIn as a volunteer?

I enjoy all our activities, but maybe I like the hikes the most. I always enjoy participating in the hikes. I also really like our art workshop.

Oh exciting, where was the last hike you went on with the club? And what are your responsibilities when you accompany a group on a hike?

I think the last time was at Eibsee in Garmisch-Partenkirchen.

When I have to accompany a hike, I first meet the group at our starting point, making sure that everyone who booked the hike is there. Second, I buy the tickets and then just join the trip. During the outing, I interact with the visitors, ensure there’s always a good atmosphere, take photos, and keep track of the time so we don’t miss the train back.

Have you also learned something from your work at ClubIn?

Definitely! I’m particularly fascinated by getting to know other cultures, especially those that are very different from the culture that shaped me.

I learn that we have different perspectives on life, different worldviews, and of course different habits.

I also greatly appreciate the teamwork and the training sessions we do as a team. Recently, for example, we worked together on the topic of “leadership” and it was very enriching.

You are currently studying education. I imagine that working at the club can also help you in terms of your future career. What do you think about that?

Certainly, you learn “soft skills” that are valuable for everyone and in any job.

For example, I’ve learned a lot about teamwork, active and open listening, and the ability to observe the needs of a group and respond creatively, sometimes even changing plans.

Yes, learning how to communicate with different people is important for everyone. Now, to conclude, how would you describe ClubIn in three words?

Friendly, respectful, and fun.

Thank you very much, Bea!

Thank you, Marilú. Come visit us at the club soon.

Translated by Joeline O‘Reilly

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