In our series, club visitors talk about their day-to-day work. Today we get to know Morla. She works in Human Resources at a large company.

Dear Morla, thank you for taking the time today to provide us with an insight into your work. What exactly do you do for a living?

I have been working in Human Resources (HR) in a large company since mid-2023 and am responsible for topics such as onboarding, feedback meetings and offboarding. This means I’m the first point of contact for our new employees. I make sure that they feel comfortable and satisfied at our company. And if they do decide to leave our company, I inquire about the reasons and ensure a smooth farewell. My areas of responsibility also include many other tasks, including internal communication: I draw up an internal newsletter so that all important information and changes, for example in internal processes, are accessible to all employees. I also take care of the organisation and implementation of various events and team-building activities for employees. For example, we organise a health day and, of course, a summer and Christmas party.

That sounds like an exciting job! How did you get into this profession?

Over the past few years, I have already been able to gain initial experience in corporate areas such as marketing, sales and project management. It was therefore clear to me that I wanted to work in a company again after my Master’s degree. However, as I studied Intercultural Communication, I wanted to try my hand at HR. I wanted a mixture of tasks that I could carry out independently (on the computer) and tasks where I would be in contact with people. I found this job by chance. I was still writing my Master’s thesis and actually wanted to wait until I had submitted my thesis before applying. But then I read the job advert for my current position on the online platform LinkedIn. As the tasks appealed to me directly, I sent off my CV and letter of motivation.

How fortunate you are to have found a job that aligns so well with your interests right after graduation. Now that you’ve been there for a few months, you may have settled into a work routine. Could you share what your typical working day looks like?

It’s hard to say. Sure, I have certain routines on a weekly basis, such as team meetings or recurring tasks, but apart from that my working day can be very varied, depending on what’s coming up in the month. I spend a lot of time on emails and in meetings, often sitting in front of the computer for long periods of time and filling out numerous documents. But there are also days when I visit employees who don’t work in our office and run workshops with them. Sometimes I even have to travel to the other end of Germany in order to do this.

What other tasks do you have to perform at work that are not typically associated with your job?

Sometimes I’m a psychotherapist, sometimes I’m an entertainer or tour guide, but sometimes I’m also a cook – depending on what is needed at the time (laughs).

What do you like best about your job?

What I like best about my job is the fact that my job allows me to see immediate and tangible results. When I organise an internal event, I can immediately see whether our employees are satisfied or not. They often come to me and thank me personally for the organisation and the effort or provide valuable feedback for improvement. I contribute to a better working atmosphere, that’s what I enjoy so much.

What do you find stressful in your job?

Sometimes it is difficult to deal with other people’s emotions and criticism. Some conversations, even feedback meetings or termination meetings, are very harmonious, but sometimes it also happens that a person is unhappy and I am the first person to feel this dissatisfaction. It’s sometimes difficult to remain objective and not take sides for either side, i.e. neither for the employee nor for the team or the boss.

That sounds like a lot of responsibility. Do you think you earn well and enough for your work?

Salaries often depend on the size and sector of the company, but in my case I think I’m earning well at the moment. Especially when you compare my job with other professions, e.g. jobs in the public sector.

You seem to be satisfied with both your salary and your tasks. Do you still sometimes wonder whether you should change jobs?

No, I’m not thinking about changing jobs at the moment.

What do you want for your professional life in the future?

I hope that I continue to enjoy my job for a long time to come. Work still takes up a large part of many people’s lives. If you’re not happy there, it often has an impact on your private life. I would also like to see HR positions continue to receive as much or even more recognition in companies. From my perspective, a competent HR department can be the be-all and end-all in a well-functioning company. Especially when we think about how many people from different cultures are working together these days. You should create a good working environment for ALL.

Translated by Joeline O’Reilly

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