Written by Kairaba Touré
Translated by Herbert Meck

In our new “Club Alumni” series, you can get to know former Club visitors. What memories do they still have of the club? What is their life like today? Last Wednesday we introduced you to Maftuna, today we continue with Kaïraba from Guinea. 

Dear Kaïraba, you showed up at the club in 2018 – and immediately became a dance star! How did you find out about ClubIn?  
In 2018, I took a German language course in Munich. A classmate gave us all the info about ClubIn in class. That’s how I heard about ClubIn for the first time. She persuaded me to come by once.  

And one visit turned into many more. What do you like to think back to?  
My fondest memories of ClubIn are dancing and drawing. 

Has ClubIn changed your life in any way? 
ClubIn has changed my life because I made new friends and had fun whenever I went.  

That makes us very happy. Unfortunately, we haven’t seen you at the club for a while now. What does your life look like today?  
I’ve been living in Bremen for two years now and study digital media at the University of Bremen. That’s why I can’t go to ClubIn any more. That’s a shame for me. Otherwise, I really enjoyed it there and have fond memories of ClubIn. Thank you for the wonderful time with you. And best regards to all.

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